At Rawhide Ranch we not only believe that Summer Camp can and should be some of the most fun and laughter filled days of our campers' entire lives, but we also know that it can and should be a place to learn some of life's most important lessons. We take those lessons, those life values, seriously and intentionally take every opportunity to teach them and continually reinforce them to every camper.
Rawhide is a place where "old time values" like the love of God and Country still exist.
We Believe in...
C- Caring Community- Looking out for the needs of others at all times, and being willing to physically, verbally and emotionally help and support those around us.
H- Hard Work- Having dedication and diligence to complete the task at hand. Avoiding lazy, unfocused or unproductive behavior when there is work to be done.
I- Integrity – Being a man or woman of your word. Letting your "yes" mean "yes" and your "no" mean "no." Striving to be a strong example of doing what is right.
R- Respect for Others- With our words, thoughts and deeds we will always attempt to show respect to our leaders, our peers and everyone around us, including the animals. Treating others in the way we hope to be treated ourselves.
P- Personal Growth- Continually seeking to humbly learn in every circumstance and finding opportunities to become a stronger, smarter and wiser person.
We believe that embracing these values will be to the benefit of every “Ranchhand” that attends Rawhide Ranch. These values won’t just be for the enrichment of their own lives but will also make a lasting and widespread impact on the world they encounter in the years to come.
All of these values find their roots in the Bible. While Rawhide Ranch is not “Bible Camp” or “Church Camp,” we do believe that each child is made in the image of God and that they have inherent value, purpose and are loved by their Creator. Our hope is that everyone who attends Rawhide Ranch will not just leave a better person, but will also recognize that they are valued, that they have a purpose, and that they are loved.
"I don't really understand it, but being there made me want to be a better person. Really, I want to be more helpful and nicer too."
"Thank you for providing my child with valuable life lessons!"
"He LOVED it! He talked about the last campfire and how they sang songs and cried because they were sad to leave!!"
"I give Rawhide much credit for the person I am today"
"This magical place changed my life, I miss it everyday!"